*NEW* Netgear switch solution

NETGEAR® have released a new 8 port switch (GSS108E / GSS116E)- but there’s something a bit different about this one… Have you ever had a meeting and run out of connection points for everyones laptops? Looking for a practical but still ascetically pleasing solution? NETGEAR® ProSAFE® Click Switches with the 1-2-3-4 mounting system offer the most flexible deployment options combined …

Apple iOS 7 iMessage is not working since update

Since iOS 7 was released I have had a few people coming to me saying that iMessage is not working. If this is you, then there are 2 methods to try. If the first does not work try the second. Method 1 Restart your iOS device by holding down both the power button and the home button until the Apple …

Windows 8.1 for free!

Microsoft have announced that they will be realising Windows 8.1 for free to customers already on Windows 8. The new update to Microsoft’s Latest desktop operating system is due to be released this month and is already available to pre-order on Microsoft’s US store. There has been a lot of criticism about the new touch-screen design of Windows 8 as …

Apple announce the new iPhones

Today Apple announce the new iPhone’s.  The iPhone 5S (the top of the range model) and the iPhone 5C (a lower priced and specked model but very colourful) Lets look at the iPhone 5S.  It has a new super fast A7 64-bit processor to deliver massive performance gains over previous models and finally bringing the 64-bit architecture to the mobile market. …

Nairod now offering Hosted Email Solutions

Business now rely on email communications more than ever and with the need to be able to access email from not just the office desktop but from mobile devices on the move as well. With this in mind Nairod have partnered up with a UK based hosting company to offer our customers a cost effective and robust, hosted email solution. …

Google Apps Free Edition is no longer

Google Apps free edition is what you would normally go for if you wanted to host your own web based email such as someone@yourdomain.co.uk. Google used to offer a free version of this allowing you to create a limited number of email accounts, each having a 10Gb mailbox limit.  This is perfect for small business, clubs and individuals.  Other services that are …

iPad calendar crashes viewing March 2013

A customer recently gave me a small issue to solve. The iPad calendar crashes every time March 2013 is viewed in month view.  Week view and day view are fine. The issues occurs when there is an all-day appointment on the 1st April.  Apples idea of an April fools joke?? To solve the problem change the appointment to a timed event.  This …

Apple iMac Hard Drive Failure

If you purchased your iMac between October 2009 and July 2011 then you could be at risk of hard drive failure.  If you do not have an up to date backup then you are at risk of loosing data. Apple are offering a hard drive replacement program. See: www.apple.com/support/imac-harddrive for information on getting your drive replaced. If you would like to discuss backups …

Mountain Lion Download Problems and BT Business 2-Wire Routers

If you are having Mountain Lion download problems / issues then please read on. While at a customers site I came across a strange issue.  The job was to upgrade their iMac to Apples latest OS Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8).  The customer was on Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6). After starting the App store and the customer loggin in, the …